The ONLY path to bring
Joy to Sales efforts
and sustainable results
with Customers
#RouteToShopper #IAmShopador #HateDrudge#LoveThyShopperThe Key Mantras of the Route to Shopper® Community

A member of the Route to Shopper® community who fights for the best experience of Shoppers.


Selling should be fun, why then there is always tension? The ONLY path to bring joy to sales efforts and sustainable results with customers is a strong understanding and support of the Shopper. Route to Shopper® thinking and community support this journey.

Our key belief and approach is that “Consumer and Shopper personas are always different, even if it is the same person”. Most brands/companies talk of only Consumer while forgetting that you only reach the “Consumer” if you have served and closed with the “Shopper” properly. The “Route to Shopper®” thinking and community enables individuals and organisations to go on this journey to focus on the Shopper hence it is called “Route to Shopper®”. It facilitates “Shopper Based Value Creation”.

Route to Shopper® is dedicated to boosting Sales Professionals’ confidence & happiness by enhancing their capability for “Shopper Based Value Creation”.

We hate drudge tasks that dilute a Salesperson’s focus on the Shopper.

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