A Salesman’s Prayer for Freedom

My heartfelt thoughts for all fellow professionals

A Salesman’s Prayer for Freedom


The morning is beautiful, a fantastic sales opportunity in mind,

Yet, I long for the freedom that I’m struggling to find,

My passion ignites at the thought of the deal,

But admin tasks bind me, a frustrating ordeal.


Forms and processes, they clutter my day,

When all I desire is to chase leads and get a Yay,

Endless paperwork, procedures to learn,

While my spirit for selling begins to yearn.


I’m buried in details, compliance and charts,

When my heart’s with the clients, and their stores and marts,

I’m shackled by meetings, reports to compile,

When I live for the thrill of closing with style.


My talent lies in the art of the sell,

In the stories I weave, the dreams that I tell,

But here I am tangled in red tape and rules,

Feeling more like a tool in an adminstrative spool.


Oh, to break free from this admin-based cell,

To get back to the business of where I excel,

To connect, to persuade, to hear the word “yes,”

And escape from this mire of clerical stress.


Let me return to the front lines, I plea,

Where the joy of the sale can set my soul free,

I know processes are important else profits could flee,

Just please make following them simple for me.


For I am a sales person, that’s my true call,

My prayer is to be set free from this paper-filled hall.


– Ankur Shiv Bhandari

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